1999.07.21_CEB_Minutes_Regular• TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 21, 1999 9:30 A.M. Chairman Harold B. Cohen called the Quarterly Meeting to order in Commission Chambers at 9:30 A.M. Deputy Town Clerk Jane Dillon called the roll. Present were Chairman Cohen, Secretary Jane Rayner, Herbert J. Lewin, Dean Luce, David Goldberg and Albert McNamara. David Yarosh was absent. Building Official Bob Dawson and members of the general public were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon MOTION by MR. LEWIN/MR. GOLDBERG, the Minutes of the April 21, 1999 Quarterly Meeting were approved. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Dawson answered Mr. Luce's concern re leaf blowers, in that they may only be used between the hours of 8 - 6 Monday through • Saturday. Should leaf blowers be used other than those times, the police should be notified. There was lengthy discussion re when permits are needed and for what work. Mr. Dawson addressed many of the work issues that come before him in the Building Department. With no further business to come before the Board, MOTION to adjourn was made by MRS. RAYNER/MR. GOLDBERG at 10:15 a.m. APPROVE: f .~~~ ~~ Harold B. Co en, Chairman absent David Yarosh, Vice Chair Herbert J. Lewin ~~~~ id Goldber Jane Rayner, Secretary ~ Dean H. Luce ~ . ~~e `-~Slbert cNamara Attest Date: •