2007.08.21_CEB_Minutes_Special• TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, August 21, 2007 9.30 a m Chair John Pagliaro called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Present were Chair Pagliaro, Vice-Chair Louis Reidenberg, Jack Halpern, Eugene Diliberto, Martin Sahn and Paul Resnick. Frank Colarullo was absent. Town Attorney Larry Corman and Building Official Bob Dawson were present, as well as members of the general public. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION was made by MR. PAGLIARO/MR. RESNICK to approve minutes of the July 18, 2007 Regular Meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. OLD/NEW BUSINESS . DALE SUGERMAN -ROW MAINTENANCE /STATE ROAD A1A Mr. Sugerman reinstated that back in January or February, the Board brought up the issue of taking a look at obstructions. in the A1A right-of-way, and that looking into that would be at staff level. Mr. Sugerman started working on that immediately, and in March had a meeting with DOT contractor providers who are responsible to inventorying District • 4, and made a commitment to Mr. Sugerman that Highland Beach would probably be one of the first communities on this list for an analysis, to be conducted within 30-60 days. Cleo Marsh, who met with Mr. Sugerman, left the employment of DOT and his replacement never even heard about the commitment that was made that Highland Beach would be done first. Mr. Sugerman obtained a new commitment that, by this board meeting they would hope to have a report on the obstructions. As of last week, they were not quite finished and as of this morning, they have finished the eastern half analysis of A1A and will come back down and finish the western half inventory. They will have a final report by Sept. 1. The Chair asked that an electronic copy of the report be sent to the Board. He also asked Mr. Sugerman if they clarified what an obstruction means. Mr. Sugerman stated that their biggest concern is vegetation. Landscaping, trees, small curb and sidewalk edges and the condition of the curb. After that, any obstruction that could be hit by a vehicle which includes things like concrete manatee mailbox, pyramid shaped tire gougers, mushrooms (less specific). Reflectors are not on their list because their concern is for .vehicular safety and reflectors or mushrooms will not cause much damage, but a concrete manatee mailbox casing will. Mr. Sugerman went on to define what the DOT public right-of-way is, and that it is easier for the Town to enforce a code for the public right-a-way than it is for private property (i.e. if the Town disallowed reflectors in .the right-of-way by Town Code, we could enforce.) • Chairman Pagliaro suggested the Board await the report and discuss at the next Regular Meeting. Code Enforcement Board August 21, 2007 Page 2 of 3 UPDATE ON ROLAND BERGER CODE VIOLATION (4207 TRANQUILITY DRIVE) Recording Secretary swore in anyone who will be testifying. Mr. Burger felt he was not notified on a timely basis, and expressed some of his other concerns of which are also in a letter to the Board (attached hereto and made a part of these minutes.) He also stated that the house has been pressure washed and the painting will be started as of this date. The 30 days the Order called for was up on Friday, Aug.. 17. The Board elected to let Mr. Burger paint his home this week, contact Mr. Dawson. to inspect and then report back to the Board at next month's meeting as to when the house was complete. If completion was done on a timely basis from today's date, the Board will consider waiving the fine which was to start on Friday, August 17. The following MOTION was made by MR. HALPERN/REIDENBERG: THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT THE FINE WILL BEGIN TO ACCRUE AS OF FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 2007. IF THE PAINTING IS COMPLETE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS, MR. BERGER SHALL CONTACT BOB DAWSON WHO WILL INSPECT AND REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD AT THEIR NEXT REGULAR MEETING. IF WORK WAS COMPLETED ON A TIMELY BASIS, THE BOARD SHALL CONSIDER WAIVING THE FINE. • MOTION carried. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come MR. HALPERN/MR. PAGLIARO APPROVAL: John J. Pagliaro,,~.Ch. Martin Sahn, -3~. V ~Gl~ Frank L. Colarullo Jack A. Halpern ~ Paul Resnick Eugene Diliberto Louis Re'denberg Attest:. ~ • before the Board, MOTION to adjourn was made by ~~ Date: "®