2009.01.21_CEB_Minutes_RegularTOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT REGULAR/ MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, danuarv 21, 2009 9:30 a.m. In attendance were Sec. Paul Resnick, Members Eugene Diliberto, Frank Colarullo, Jack Halpern and Lori Wolin. Also in attendance was Town Attorney Tom Sliney, Town Clerk Beverly Brown, Deputy Town Clerk Valerie Oakes and members of the general public. Town Clerk Beverly Brown noted the Chairman resigned and according to the Roberts Rules of order the Town Clerk is a neutral party that will call the meeting to order until a chairman has been elected. Town Clerk Brown called the Regular Meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Roll call was taken by Deputy Town Clerk Oakes. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. ELECTION OF OFFICERS• Chairman MOTION was made by MR. HALPERN/MR. COLARULLO to nominate Paul Resnick for Chairman. Motion carried. Vice Chairman MOTION was made by MR. COLARULLO/MR. DILIBERTO to nominate Lori Wolin for Vice Chairman. Motion carried. Secretary MOTION was made by MR. HALPERN/MR. RESNICK to nominate Frank Colarullo for Secretary. Motion carried. ADDITIONS. DELETIONS OR ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: There were no addition or deletions made to the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND REQUESTS: No one from the general public had comments or requests. PRESENTATIONS: There were no presentations made at the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES• There were no minutes to be approved at the meeting. Code Enforcement Board January 21.2008 Page 2 of 2 OLD BUSINESS• Schedule Date jor Continuation of Public Hearing Case No. 200&03 irlla Costa Condominium Association Chairman Resnick suggested that the public hearing should be scheduled for the regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 18, 2009. Both the Building Official and Code Enforcement Officer are expected to be present. The board was in favor. Mr. Halpern asked the Town Clerk to forward a copy of the Al A reports to the board members. NEW BUSINE5S• Chairman Resnick stated that at the next regular meeting he would like to discuss his feelings against political signs on AlA. Mr. Halpern disagrees with not allowing signs and expressed that if signs were not exposed along AlA the residents may not know who was running for office. Town Attorney Sliney explained that the political signs are a free speech issue and generally are not enforced. Attorney Sliney continued to say that traditionally in the Town the signs have been distributed along the Al Aright-of--way and may be a matter to discuss at the Town Commission meeting. Chairman Resnick stated that he would like the item placed on the agenda so the board could then make a recommendation to the commission. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Board, MOTION to adjourn was made by MR. HALPERN/MR. COLARULLO at 9:46 a.m. APPROVAL• Paul Resnick, Ch. Lori Wolin, V. Ch. Frank Colarullo, Sec. Jack A. Halpern Eugene Diliberto Attest: Date: Valerie Oakes, Deputy Town Clerk