2008.07.16_CEB_Minutes_Regular• TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH
Wed._July 16, 2008 9:30 a.m.
Chairman Louis Reidenberg called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. In attendance were
Chair Reidenberg, Vice Chair Martin Sahn, Sec. Paul Resnick and Members Frank
Colarullo, Jack Halpern and Lori Wolin. Eugene Diliberto was absent. Also in
attendance was Town Attorney Larry Corman, Building Official Bob Dawson and
members of the general public.
Mr. Reidenberg noted for the record that Mr. Diliberto did inform Recording Clerk Jane
Dillon that he would be absent due to a medical appointment, and is hereby excused from
this meeting. He also reminded the Board members that the new procedure is to contact
himself or Jane to document an excused absence.
Approval of Minutes
Upon MOTION by Mr. HalpernlMr. Colarullo, the minutes of the May 21, 2008
Regular/Workshop Meeting was approved. Upon MOTION by Mr. Halpern/Mrs.
Wolin the minutes of the June 18, 2008 Regular/Workshop Meeting was approved as
amended, noting the absence of the excused board members.
• Old Business
Update on Case No. 2008-01 Re: 2719 S. Ocean Blvd. -Marco Musa
Mr. Dawson stated that a new house is going to be constructed on the site, and the plans
will be going before the Planning Board on the 30~' of this month. The wave runners that
were in the front yard have been removed, yet Mr. Resnick said that he noticed one in the
front yard today - Mr. Dawson will check into this. Mr. Reidenberg asked what action
could be taken to enforce the lien. Mr. Carman said if the property is transferred the lien
still stands unless the owner cures the lien. Property owner cannot be forced to demolish
sooner, so it was recommended that Attorney Corman write a letter to Mr. Musa's
attorney requesting that he contact Mr. Corman within the next few weeks regarding the
demo of the building and the fact that the lien is still accumulating. Mr. Corman noted
that a lien can continue for a period often years, per F.S. 162.10
MOTION was made by Mr. Resnick/Mr. Sahn that Town Attorney Larry Corrnan write
a letter to Mr. Musa's attorney to obtain some parameters as to when the building will be
demolished. Motion carried.
Mr. Corman also suggested that telling the property owner that if they move promptly,
the fine may be reduced -this motivates the property owner. Mr. Corman also took a
look at the law regarding building officials going onto private property. U. S. Supreme
Court law states if a property owner refuses to allow entry, a search warrant would need
to be obtained, but it is a lower standard than a police office would need to satisfy.
• Code Enforcement Board
Julv 16.2008 Pale 2 of 3
AlA Obstructions.
Regarding the list of obstructions, Chairman Reidenberg now feels there may be a
potential issue in applying these issues in case the Town changes to the Sheriff's dept, but
suggested a letter, as follows, go to the Town Commission:
Acting on your directive, the Town of Highland Beach Code Enforcement Board
has investigated, researched and held public hearings and taken all of the
necessary steps to evaluate and make recommendations for your consideration as
to the obstructions on AlA. We propose the following recommendations be
adopted as a policy of the Town and/or be made as amendments to the Code of
Highland Beach.
Strict enforcement by whatever police authority is in effect -all state and town
laws regarding parking, speed, bike lanes, turning regulations, etc. The reason for
this obviously being the fact that for the most part the parking regulation would
have to be in effect, where the speed would have to potentially be to avoid
accidents that may result in all kinds of damage to the swale, and unless and until
• we have that significantly greater enforcement, we will have the potential of
problems on an ongoing basis.
Mr. Dawson said that the police dept issued warnings to contractors parking in swales.
The response was to send them to DOT to obtain a permit, DOT refused to do so. Town
Manager Dale Sugerman, Police Chief Angelillo held a meeting with the permit writer of
the DOT about 10 days ago, gave him a copy of the Town's ordinance which was
forwarded to the DOT's attorney, which came back with some questions. Another
meeting will be held next week, to resolve issue of who can write a permit. The DOT
seemed to change policy, and the DOT will probably issue permits but be more
restrictive. Mr. Dawson noted that these permits are for construction people, not service
people. Mr. Sahn suggested waiting to see outcome of meetings with DOT
Chairman Reidenberg suggested that the Board have a joint working meeting with the
Town Commission to discuss the issues and present a history of what the board has been
doing and where the board is at. Mr. Halpern suggested that representatives from DOT
and the Police Dept. should be at that meeting.
Upon MOTION by MR SAHN/MR HALPERN, it was unanimously approved that
Chairman Reidenberg will ask Town Manager Sugerman if he can attend the meetings
with DOT, Mr. Dawson, Police Chief and Mr. Sugerman. He will also speak to Mr.
Sugerman about holding a joint meeting with the CEB and the Town Commission. He
will also contact the Mayor.
• Code Enforcement Board
July 16, 2008 Page 3 of 3
Other Business
Beverly Knight, 4023 S. Ocean Blvd., was present as a turtle monitor, zone 2 from 4305
to 3901. She noted a problem the turtle volunteers are having with homeowners who are
not turning their beachfront lights off at night. She has documented the particular homes
that are in violation, and with the help of the police dept., attempts to contact the
homeowners, but very often has no response from them. Sometimes they will turn the
lights off for a while, but then start running them again. She asked the Board what
monetarily violations can be placed on a homeowner who refuses to turn their lights off.
Attorney Corman noted that Town Ordinance, Section 4-8 speaks specifically to this, and
that Mr. Dawson can issue a code violation to take effect immediately.
Mr. Dawson said that he could send a Code Enforcement notice to appear, but would
need two witnesses to testify that the lights are on, as he would not be able to view this
himself since the violation occurs at night. If attempts to serve are unsuccessful, a notice
may be posted on the property. It was discussed about sending a letter to the
homeowners telling them of the Code. Mr. Dawson felt a claim of violation was the best
route to go, while Chairman Reidenberg felt a letter was a friendlier way to go, and then
the residents who don't comply be sent a claim of violation notice..
• Barbara James, the turtle volunteer permit holder, and Beverly Knight will draft a letter
that Mr. Dawson can send to the beach residents informing them of the Town Ordinance.
Attorney Corman will review first. It was also suggested that something be placed in the
local papers.
With no further business to come before the Boazd, MOTION to adjourn was made by
Mr. Colarullo/NIr. Diliberto at 10:35 a.m.
Louis M. Reidenberg,
Martin Sahn, V. Ch.
Paul Resnick, Sec.
Frank L. Colarullo
Jack A. Halpern
Eugene Diliberto t
Lori Wolin `''
Attest Date: c,~. a
Code Enforcement Recommendations to Town Commission
AlA Obstructions
• Signage:
. Welcome signs at both Town entrances.
Signs stating no u-turns, no passing on swales, no parking on swales,
Bike riders -single file only.
• Stronger police enforcement.
• VMS contractor working with DOT -get copy of their contract re their duties on
Regulating obstructions on AlA.
• No reflectors, concrete pyramids/rounds.
• Installation of low hedges in place of obstructions.
• Replacement of torn up sod -who is responsible? -contractor? Property owner?
• Move mailboxes back to tree line on swales.
• Ask St. Lucy Church for use of their parking lot for contractor parking.
• Inform neighboring residents of upcoming construction.
• Place colored surface mounts on sides of the road.