2012.04.18_CEB_Minutes_RegularTOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9.30 AM
Members Present: Chair Louis Reidenberg; Vice Chair Paul Resnick; Board Member
Tim Bumich; Board Member Mark Diamond and Board Member Don Gill. Member
Absent: Board Member Michael Kravit. Also Attending: Town Attorney Christy
Goddeau, Commissioner Louis Stern, Building Official Michael Desorcy; Fire Division
Chief Victor Williams; Fire Captain James Tabeek; Deputy Town Clerk Valerie Oakes
and members of the general public.
Chair Reidenberg called the Regular Meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Roll call was taken by
the Deputy Town Clerk followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Reidenberg introduced Town Attorney Christy Goddeau who is an Associate with
the Law Firm of Glen J. Torcivia. Attorney Goddeau has worked on code enforcement
issues for eight years and stated that she is here as the Board's Attorney should any legal
issues arise.
Chair Reidenberg called for any additions, deletions or acceptance of the agenda, hearing
none the agenda was accepted as presented.
No public comments.
• Discussion on Condominium Fire Code Policy
By: James Tabeek, Fire Captain
City of Delray Beach Fire -Rescue Department
James Tabeek, Fire Captain introduced himself and Victor Williams, Division Chief
Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Page 2 of 5
Chair Reidenbera stated that he is trying to facilitate the Code Enforcement Board
meeting all the department heads to inquire how to make their jobs easier.
Captain Tabeek stated he has a good working relationship with all the condo managers.
He tries to resolve code enforcement issues by working with the condominiums. About
95% of the buildings in Highland Beach have had a complete turnover in fire alarm
systems. A majority has been upgraded and they have a good handle of fire suppression
systems, alarm systems, etc. Captain Tabeek has been assigned to Highland Beach for
the last 12 years and knows all the buildings well.
Chair Reidenbera asked if each of the buildings is required to follow code. Captain
Tabeek stated that the Florida Fire Prevention Code is followed.
Chair Reidenbera indicated that there is a policy in his condominium that states if a
person is disabled they should remain in their units until the fire department arrives. He
wanted to know if this is true. Captain Tabeek stated that in sprinkler high-rise buildings,
if there is a fire, the fire alarms will sound in the common area and two floors above and
one floor below; the smoke is the reason for the two floors above. They do not want to
evacuate the entire building. If the fire has escalated they will do a controlled evacuation
and add another level to it. Most of the high rises are set up to have a controlled
evacuation. What they ask is, unless the alarm goes off in your particular area, to have
the people stay put. 98% of the time one sprinkler will put out the fire. The sprinkler
system will do its job and then they will follow up.
Chair Reidenbera asked if Captain Tabeek reviews all the fire policies in the condo
buildings. Captain Tabeek said he did not since they do not have the personnel. If they
receive it, the staff will review it.
Chair Reidenbera asked if there is a mandatory provision in every building for fire drills.
Captain Tabeek indicated he would have to research this further.
Chair Reidenbera asked if there is a difference between hurricane and fire evacuations.
Captain Tabeek stated that there is a difference and they would work closely with
Emergency Management during a hurricane.
Vice Chair Resnick talked about fire drills, hurricane evacuations, etc. but stated that
during these times people tend to hide and lock themselves behind closed doors. He
agreed that every building should have a plan but they cannot be enforced. He feels that
talking about this could be a waste of time.
Chair Reidenbera indicated that this is to give everyone information that we didn't have
before and become familiar with the policies and codes enabling the Board to assist the
Fire Department.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Page 3 of 5
Captain Tabeek feels it is great to keep the lines of communication open. They work
well with the Building Department and the Building Official. With regard to the
statement that people won't leave, their kids are trained the best. Sometimes when we
get older we feel we don't have to comply with certain things but we do everything in our
power to put systems in place to reduce injury and death. It is not only fire but there are
other reasons we would have to evacuate a building such as water, gas leak, etc.
Chair Reidenberg stated that it is good to hear that the buildings in Highland Beach are in
Vice Chair Resnick added that he hoped his remark was not misinterpreted belittling
what they do. They are the greatest. This just happens to be a "people issue". People
just want to do their own thing and you can't make them change. He thanked Captain
Tabeek for his efforts. Captain Tabeek said that none were taken and appreciated his
Chair Reidenberg told Captain Tabeek that if there is anything this Board or the
Commission could do to make his job easier, please let them know. We will do what we
can to facilitate that. He thanked Captain Tabeek for coming and supplying the Board
with all his information.
Member Gill asked Captain Tabeek if he felt it would be advisable to have a member of
his department come before the condominium board where he resides once or twice a
year to give a lecture with regard to safety, fire codes and what the people should do.
Main Tabeek stated that they do this upon request.
• One (1) Vacancy on Board:
Chair Reidenberg announced that there is one vacancy on the Board due to the election of
Ron Brown as Vice Mayor.
• January 18, 2012 — Regular
MOTION: Board Member Burnich moved to approve the minutes of January 18, 2012,
Regular Meeting. Board Member Resnick seconded the motion, which passed
No old business.
Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Page 4 of 5
Chair Reidenberg stated that there will be a meeting of the Code Enforcement Board on
Thursday, May I oth in lieu of the regular meeting on May 161h.
Member Gill stated that a neighbor asked him about the enforcement of dogs having to be
on a leash on the beach. Is this something the Code Enforcement Board is involved in?
Attorney Goddeau stated that if there is an ordinance that requires dogs be leashed, then
this could be a violation brought before this Board. She indicated that the dog leash
ordinance is an ordinance that is difficult to enforce because you need to have an
inspector or someone typically witness it. There could also be a citation issued from the
Police Department. There are two ways to enforce ordinances: 1) through the Code
Enforcement Board or 2) through Municipal Code Ordinance prosecution which goes
down to county court. Chair. Reidenberg asked if a picture or video presented to the
board would suffice. Attorney Goddeau stated that this would work, but it is better to
have an inspector or a police officer witness it having direct evidence of the violation.
The person witnessing this would have to contact the police department or code inspector
indicating that they have witnessed this violation. They would have to know who the
person was in order to send them a notice of violation.
Chair Reidenberg asked Attorney Goddeau for suggestions as to how to handle this issue.
Attorney Goddeau suggested that photos be taken of a recurring violator. This would
send a message that there would be legal ramifications if they were to keep violating our
town ordinance. The violators should not be approached. She agrees that the code
enforcer would be the best person to be involved with this particular violation.
Based on an earlier conversation regarding mandatory fire drills in apartment buildings,
Captain Tabeek informed the Board that they are not required. He has a copy of the
emergency plan, which he provided to the Clerk.
Member Burnich mentioned that he is receiving monthly reports on the building
department and code enforcement and found it to be informative. It appears that there
were many permits issued during the month of March.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Page 5 of 5
There being no further business, Chair Reidenbera called for a motion to adjourn the
meeting at 10:23 a.m.
MOTION: Member Burnich moved to adjou.e meeting at 10:23 a.m. Board
Member Gill seconded the motion, which passeoAinanimously.
Louis Reidenberg, Ch6tr —
Paul Resnick V' e Chair
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Valerie Oakes, C C, Deputy Town Clerk