1990.08.14_FAB_Minutes_RegularTOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH
Tuesdav, Auqust 14, 1990
1: 30 P.M.
This Regular Meeting of the Financial Advisory Board was commenced by
Chairman Fred Firstenburg in Commission Chambers at 1:30 P.M.
Present were the Chairman and Regular Members Richard Brunton,
Victor J. Page and John F. Rand
Also present were Chief Accounting Officer Michael W. Seaman and Deputy
Town Clerk Doris M. Trinley
The agenda was amended to include the following as items to be ad-
dressed first:
Televised Board Meetings: After some discussion, wherein it was noted
that meeting dates of all Board meetings are publicized on Bulletin
Boards and in Newsletters, and that any interested resident is welcome
to attend the Board's meetings, it was the CONSENSUS of the members
that their meetings not be televised.
Election of Vice Chairman: Noting that the Board had been without a
. Vice Chairman for quite some time, Chairman Firstenburg asked for nomi-
nations. Following a brief discussion, John F. Rand was elected Vice
Chairman upon MOTION by Mr. Firstenburg/Mr. Page, with unanimous vote.
The Minutes of the July 16 Regular Meeting were reviewed and, upon
MOTION by Mr. Rand/Mr. Page, were unanimously approved. During the re-
view, Mr. Rand noted that he had not seen the Long Report and after a
brief discussion, the Chairman requested that the Deputy Town Clerk
supply a copy of the report to the members who did not already have
The members discussed the fact that the Board has been operating for
several months with a vacancy. Mr. Rand made a recommendation that the
Town Commission be advised of the need and urgency of appointing a mem-
ber to fill this vacancy, with consideration being given to Benjamin
Cohen who had served diligently for six (6) years. Mention was made
that the Town Commission had previously been able to re -appoint mem-
bers of other boards whose terms of office had expired or run the
course of longevity. Although the members strongly favored Mr. Cohen's
reappointment, it was their CONSENSUS that the Town Commission be asked
to take prompt action to appoint a qualified member as soon as possible
in order to bring the Board to full complement.
Financial Advisory Board
Regular Meeting - Minutes
August 14, 1990 Page 2 of 4
• Regarding the extreme increases imposed by Palm Beach County
Fire/Rescue for the coming fiscal year, Chairman Firstenburg advised
that the day after the Board's July 18 meeting the Town had been noti-
by PBCFR that the cost of their services to the Town would be reduced
by approximately $200,000. Mr. Seaman was asked to explain this reduc-
tion and replied that PBCFR had advised they had "found" four million
dollars that was applied across the board to reduce charges to those
under contract with them. Further, Mr. Seaman advised that PBCFR had
reduced their contract cost yet again; therefore, the contract would
call for approximately $885,000 rather than the approximate $1.1
million initially proposed. Mr. Seaman said that these reductions
allowed the proposed Town millage rate to be lowered to 3.09.
A brief discussion took place regarding the Town Commission's actions
on alternatives to this county service, as well as some of the items on
the budget "wish list" that had been discussed at a previous meeting.
It was noted that the Town Commission is looking into possible alterna-
tives for fire/rescue services, but has taken no action as yet. They
have also been made aware of the FAB's stand regarding PBCFR extreme
increases in contractual rates. It was agreed that there was no need
to further discuss "wish list" items, as the Town Commission will now
address these at their budget meetings.
• Review of Enterprise Fund Budgets and Water Rates for FY 1990/1991
The first item addressed was account 3431, Water Utility Revenue,
wherein the Town Manager's recommendation was increased from $540,000
to $690,000. Mr. Seaman explained that the $150,000 difference was
revenue that would be collected from water use customers to cover part
of the cost of laying two new pipes under the Intracoastal. He added
that the remaining $100,000 for this project would come from the
reserve fund, to meet a total project cost of approximately $250,000.
In reply to Mr. Brunton's question as to how it was determined that
$150,000 of the pipes' cost would be paid for out of current revenue,
with the remaining $100,000 coming from the Reserve Fund, Mr. Seaman
replied that this information was obtained from the Town Manager's
office. When asked by Mr. Brunton how much was in the reserve fund at
this time, Mr. Seaman said monies in the fund totaled approximately
Mr. Brunton stated that, considering the pipes had an approximate
lifetime of 20 years, it would be a burden to the taxpayers to include
$150,000 of the cost to be paid for in one year through increased water
rates. He further stated that, apart from the cost of piping and just
looking at rates in general, up until last month the Town was looking
at an ongoing deficit in the context of supplying funds for a Reverse
Osmosis facility. Since the current trend has been away from R.O., he
continued, it would be his opinion that the increase in water rates be
addressed again, in the interest of setting only a minimal increase.
Financial Advisory Board
Regular Meeting - Minutes
August 14, 1990 Page 3 of 4
• A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the necessityof the i
pipes under
the Intracoastal, with Mr. Rand noting that of the two existing lines,
only one is operable, which leaves the Town in potential jeopardy; the
installation of two new pipes would provide for continuity of water
service should the existing pipe malfunction. Mr. Brunton acknowledged
this, as well as the Water Resources Advisory Board's recommendation to
the Town Commission that two new pipes be installed; however, he
pointed out that as of yet the one operable line has not been examined
and, therefore, it is not known if there is in fact any threat to same.
He also mentioned the Town's interconnects between Boca and Delray that
he said can feed as much water as the Town has used in the last two or
three months. Should it be determined that the pipes are necessary,
Mr. Brunton noted that cash was available for the project.
Mr. Rand replied that from feedback he has received, the issues of the
last election campaign and subsequent Town meetings, he felt the Town's
residents are cognizant that a serious water supply problem exists and
that the fact that something must be done about it must be faced.
Noting that Delray's water is not compatible with the Town's, he
pointed out that should anything happen to the one existing line, con-
sideration should be given to unknown factors regarding time and cost
in interconnecting with Boca Raton.
When Mr. Rand reminded the panel that the Town is now providing water
• below cost, Mr. Brunton replied that it well may be that the costs are
the problem, not the revenue. He also said he had noted some figures
that would increase condominium expenses by 500.
Chairman Firstenburg, noting he had worked up figures on his condo-
minium (Ambassadors East), said that a rate increase of $7,000, divided
among 314 units owners, would not be extreme. He also said that what-
ever solution to the water supply the Town Commission chose, a large
amount of money would be needed. He supported Mr. Rand's position
and said he was of the opinion that residents are expecting a sizeable
increase in water rates.
A discussion took place regarding the feasibility of employing water
from the C-15 canal for irrigation purposes. In answer to Mr. Rand's
question regarding the approximate cost for piping to the water plant,
Mr. Brunton said he had heard, informally, a $1 million figure. When
asked how this money would be raised, Mr. Brunton replied it would not
be raised through user fees, rather a bond issue would be called for.
It would be amortized, he added, noting the difference of paying in-
terest and amortizaton on $1 million versus raising capital of $1 mil-
lion through other means.
Chairman Firstenburg mentioned the fact that the C-15 is not a guaran-
teed water supply and Mr. Page added that at the Town Commission meet-
ing on July 17, it was pointed out that the C-15 would be for limited
•use only. The necessity of cleaning C-15 water before it is used was
also pointed out by the Chairman.
Mr. Rand stated that in addressing its water needs, the Town should
seek to be as independent as possible and said that the proposed water
rate increases, in his opinion, did not seem excessive.
Financial Advisory Board
Regular Meeting - Minutes
August 14, 1990 Page 4 of 4
is In a discussion regarding the Board's role in the budget process, it
was noted by Mr. Brunton that some of the figures were hard to evalu-
ate and he did not feel comfortable enough with the data to say the
budget was correct. He added that he had felt the same way about the
General Fund Budget. Chairman Firstenburg said that the Board relies
on the Town Manager to provide appropriate answers to any questions the
members may have and Mr. Rand added that he did not feel the members
were asked to be auditors, rather they were asked to review, not sub-
stantiate, and point out what they feel may be mistakes and ask what
can be done about them.
Further discussion on the Board's responsibilities took place, with
Chairman Firstenburg pointing out that while the figures presented can
be questioned, the Board cannot determine that the explanations given
are correct. Mr. Brunton posed the question of recommending figures to
the Town Commission when it was unclear how they were arrived at. Mr.
Rand offered that perhaps the Board's function should be re -defined by
the Town Commission. Mr. Page suggested that the Board meet on a more
regularly scheduled basis in order to stay more in touch with the
Town's financial transactions.
Mr. Brunton pointed out several areas of the Enterprise Fund Budget
that he felt needed more explanation. In light of this, the members
agreed that another meeting, to include the Town Manager, would be held
the week of August 20, wherein additional information would be forth-
coming. It was agreed that Chairman Firstenburg would contact the Town
Manager to arrange a date for this meeting, as well as request the
presence at same of Utilities Director, Jack Lee. Also, Mr. Seaman
will have detailed information regarding payees for the following water
system accounts:
5340 - Contractual Services
5430 - Utility Services
5460 - Repair and Maintenance
5520 - Operating Supplies
At this time the Long Report was re -addressed and it was agreed among
the members that a review of same would be accomplished by May 15,
1991, at which time the Board will be prepared to make suggestions as
to adjustments, if any, to that report.
There being no further business to come before the Board at this time,
the meeting was adjourned upon MOTION by Mr. Brunton/Mr. Rand, at 2:55
APPROVEf _/� r
Fred Firstenburg, Chairman J Rand, Vim Chairman
Victor age
DATE: - C_'.? fd