1987.02.18_CEB_Minutes_Workshop• TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING - MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1987 9: 30 A.M. Chairman D. Robinson called the Workshop Meeting of the Code Enforcement Board, Town of Highland Beach, Florida, to order in the Town Commission Chambers at 9:30 A.M. The Recording Secretary called the roll. Present were Messrs. D. Robinson, T. Boepple, E. Pearlstein, J. Sieff, E. Snyder and J. Boulay. Absent from this meeting was Regular Member A. Novak. Also present were Code Enforcement Officer A. Abbate, Recording Secretary A. Kowals and members of the general public. At this point, Chairman Robinson extended a welcome to Mr. Eugene L. Snyder and Mr. Joseph A. Boulay who have been appointed by the Town Commission to serve as Regular Members on the Code Enforcement Board. Chairman Robinson stated Mr. Snyder served the Town on the Planning Board and is a past member of the Library Board. The Chairman thanked Mr. Snyder for his continued service to the Town. Chairman Robinson noted that Mr. Boulay served on the Greater Baltimore • Committee for six years on the water front renewal program. Mr. Boulay received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. and is presently a Marine Consultant and Surveyor. Chairman Robinson also thanked Mr. Boulay for his service to the Town. Recording Secretary Kowals read the Minutes of the January 21, 1987 Workshop Meeting. Approval of these Minutes was deferred to the Regular Meeting. Code Enforcement Officer Abbate informed the members of the Code Enforcement Board that Mr. Knaus had complied with the ORDER issued at the January 21, 1987 Meeting; the dock at Mr. Knaus' property was removed on Monday, February 16, 1987. Members were also informed by Mr. Abbate that Mr. Gullett did appear before the Planning Board on February 11, 1987 and receive approval of the two dolphins; therefore, this matter has been resolved. Code Enforcement Officer Abbate advised the members that he has given 'warnings' to the owners of the modular structures that were erected on the roof of the Regency Highland with instructions to remove same by March, 1987. The Workshop Meeting of the Code Enforcement Board was adjourned by • Chairman Robinson at 9:40 A.M. • CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Workshop Meeting - Minutes February 18, 1987 Page 2 of 2 • ATTEST - Date: �- am k r' 40 APPROVED: _(Resictned 3/10/87) David T. Robinson, Chairman mmsm Al d B. Novak, Vi e Ch. Theod r F. Boepp E�d`j rd J. Pearllsstein ✓f Jose h A. Boulay