1984.05.23_CEB_Minutes_Regular (2)TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD May 23, 1984 Regular Meeting 10.25 A.M. Chairman Robert Scholz called the Regular Meeting to order at 10:25 A.M. Also in attendance were: Vice -Chairman Robert Myers; Secre- tary Ellen Gerber; Messers. John Chironna, Alfred Novak, Donald Sherbondy, Theodore Boepple and Andrew Bennardo (alt). Also present were Attorney Tom Sliney, Town Manager Elaine Roberts, Building Inspector Tony Abbate, Recording Secretary Anne Kowals and a few town residents. Mrs. Gerber read the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 18, 1984. A MOTION was made by Mr. Chironna, seconded by Mrs. Gerber to approve the Workshop and Regular Meeting minutes of April 18, 1984. All members agreed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: • The Board Members discussed at length, the parking of re- creational vehicles within the Town. Mr. Sherbondy made a MOTION that a draft of the revisions submitted by Mrs. Gerber be referred to Atty. Sliney who will then submit same to the Town Commission. Mr. Novak seconded the Motion and all the members agreed. Board Members discussed responsibility of the Highland Beach Isles easement. Mr. Sliney advised that the property owners were responsible for their parcel, including the easement property. Vice -Chairman Myers mentioned that several sales trailers parked on construction sites are in deteriorating condition and are becoming a nuisance and eye -sore. Mr. Abbate ad- vised letters were sent to those in violation. Mr. Myers reported many fences surrounding construction sites are broken. Board Members were requested to inform the Build- ing Department when they see these deteriorating conditions so Mr. Abbate can check these infractions. • I Town Manager Elaine Roberts reported the Massengill-Moore • property is completed and neighbors are pleased with the finished product. The Town received an additional $28,000.00 in fines. NEW BUSINESS: Violation #02241 - John P. O'Grady, 2809 S. Ocean Boulevard, Highland Beach, Florida, private sign not permitted on public property. - Chairman Scholz read the above citation. A letter from Mr. O'Grady stating he will be unable to appear before the Code Enforcement Board on May 23, 1984, was read by Mr. Scholz. Mr. Abbate reported the sign was removed. Mr. Sherbondy suggested no further action was necessary. Ellen Gerber made a MOTION to send an ORDER to Mr. O'Grady advis- ing him of the Board's decision to dismiss the citation, and any further violations may result in fines not to ex- ceed $250.00 per day. Vice Chairman Myers seconded the Motion and all members agreed. Mr. Abbate informed the members that re. a prior citation, • Mr. Bonar is again in violation, as he had not removed the concrete pad that was installed, without a permit, for the boat davit. Mrs. Gerber also recalled Mr. Bonrr had been cited previously regarding this matter. Mr. Sherbondy advised the Board that he will be out of town from June 6, 1984, through early September, 1984. The Board approved the absence request. There being no further business, a MOTION was made by Ellen Gerber to adjourn. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Chironna and all agreed. The next meeting is All agreed. ATTEST: scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, 1984. APPROVED: Rober Scholz, Chairman Rob"rt Myers, V�-Chairman Ellen Gerber, Secretary J n (Jt-,� ronna Da to :