1984.11.28_CEB_Minutes_Workshopr � �J • TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD NOVEMBER 28, 1984 WORKSHOP MEETING 9:30 A.M. Chairman Robert Scholz called the Workshop Meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. Other members present were Secretary Ellen Gerber, Messers. Donald Sherbondy, John Chironna, Robert.,Myers, Theodore Boepple, Andrew Bennardo (Alt. 1) and Edward J. Pearlstein (Alt. 2). Also present were Building Inspector Tony Abbate, Recording Secretary Anne Kowals and a few Town residents. Mr. Alfred Novak was absent. Secretary Ellen Gerber read the minutes of the October 17, 1984, Work- shop Meeting. Approval of these minutes was tabled until the Regular Meeting. The Boca Hi gatehouse was discussed by the members, at length. Secre- tary Ellen Gerber mentioned Citations #$2199 and ##2200 that had been issued to Boca Hi, Inc. regarding the temporary gatehouse structure. On January 7, 1983, Boca Hi was granted a 60 day extension for removal of same. The structure in question was removed within the time period allowed. As a result, the citations have been satisfied and no further action was deemed necessary. Chairman Robert Scholz adjourned the Workshcop�teeting at 10:05 A.M. APPROVED: -- - Rober cholz, Chairman i ' J, 1n'��'o Robert Myers, V e Chairman 7v E�7Len Gerber, Secretary Atte • Date amk/12/5/84 € -1 ld ,��y 'r t 1 hn nn ondy %t ,L$7A Theodore Boelk